
Release: GK9 v2 c5 + Scanlator's bloggo

Booting out chaapter 5. try this or that.

A comment on the slowing releases

The last few chapters hit snags because of script problems in the form of trying to figure out just what the hell the characters are trying to say. As much as I want to be able to boot out chapters at a brisk pace, I also want to make sure the chapters are readable and get rid of any parts that may leave the reader scratching their heads or ignore because it makes no sense. But that's difficult when the original text doesn't make much sense to begin with. So a bunch of time is spent on trying to interpret what's going on in the original text then coming up with something for that. Convincing ourselves that that's the right idea. Then re-writing that because the original idea was worded too clunky (jot it down first, refine it later).

Then i realized what audience we have (mainly the lack of a large one), and whether the inordinate amount of time spent on fixing these little things is worth the marginal increase in (perceived) appreciative reception. If only a few people read it, then it's only a few people that'll be alienated for our laziness and negligence. Do people really care that this form of entertainment, which is provided for free and its popularity is niche at best, adhere to a high standard of quality?

Given our resources though, i think it's time to err on the side quantity and not quality. I just found at least 2 other projects i want to work on but i want to focus on getting one done at a time rather than spreading attention all over the place.

Bonus: Adversity strikes another baseball team

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Release: Gyakkyou Nine v1 c4

After much deliberation on translations, we're booting out chapter 4.

Being a translation group is tough. To put your name on something means to stand by it since it's open for everyone to critique and... you've got your name linked to it. There was a part in it that didn't make any sense at all and quite contradictory to what the story is trying to imply. Much time was spent on it. In the end, we just made some shit up.

click here for chapter 4
alternative link

Bonus: the plight of the Zenryoku Nine is not all that uncommon! as depicted in popular media:

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