release, finally: 11, 12
moeyo pen (in hind sight, maybe should've stuck with that name instead) isa done. as a scanlation group, we don't have to deal with the extreme pressure of deadlines that a real mangaka has to. no beyond over-the-limit stuff, not even a mere over-the-limit stuff. Hey man, it's free, but donations are highly suggested.
11 here and here
12 here and here
In other news, we have a representative at Anime Evolution in Vancouver this very weekend. He will be dressed up as Edgeworth from Pheonix Wright, some suikoden guy, rumours of yoruichi and some other crap that i forget. I recommend going up to him and saying (or even randomly yelling) "AIR SUPREMACY" or "SCORPION LADY" and see if there's a reaction to get his attention. He'll know what it means.
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